Thursday 16 February 2012

Day 7: Workshops and Tensions...

Today we reached a new point in the programme. For the last 6 days, we've been in the Research process. Today, we began the Workshop process.

After hours of deliberation I decided to do:

  •  "How to crack Hollywood", and I've already landed a film role, so that was useful.
  • The Basics of Acting
  • Movement Research with Random Collision Dance Company.
  • Voice Workshop

The movement workshop was really inspiring. We were in a large open space, with the freedom to move and express ourselves without judgement. It was also intriguing to watch how people can communicate so much through their body. We also did a really interesting secret-sharing exercise in the "Hollywood" session that I will definitely use again.

Today, the fact that we're performing in Amsterdam in 6 days became a reality. We began questioning. 

 What's our Vision?                     How are we going to perform? 

How can we combine all the art forms?          What's our theme?

What's our concept?                                                                   What's going to happen?  

So these are our questions and our challenge for the next few days is to try and find collaborative answers to these questions. Tensions are high. Our job now is to use this energy in a productive way and create something amazing.

I want to produce something we can be proud of. It's not going to be easy but I hope and believe we can do it.

Fin x

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