Monday 13 February 2012

Day 5- Intentions

Our intentions change all the time. My intention today was to write this blog earlier in the day but once again I'm here writing at half 3 in the morning. Other nights, it was because I was up for hours working. Tonight, I stayed up partying. Yes, I actually do have a life! Sometimes...

Mulled wine in tea cups and Romanian dancing, why don't I don't do this more often?

Every night we are given group assignments to fulfil for the following evening. It's intense and there are mixed opinions on the time restraints we are given. Putting all of that aside, today as I watched each of the performances, I got a feeling in my tummy telling me, "This is special." 
It excited me. The videos that were made were quirky, creative, powerful, evocative and touching. They made me believe in the potential of the group and our ability to create something fresh and inventive for our final performance.

It's wonderful to work outside my comfort zone. Not that I was thrown completely into the wilderness, but today for the first time in years I was given an art pack and told to create a piece of art in 20 minutes. We also had a feedback session where people tried to explain how they had created their piece and what they had got out from the experience. Many admitted it was like returning to their childhood. With motivation music playing throughout the creation process, it was no wonder that I created a masterpiece like this:

Success and Failure: Our task this evening was to create a presentation by asking people outside the Olde Vechte, "What is your biggest success in life?" and "What is your biggest failure in life?"
These are two massive questions that I would find difficult answering myself. Therefore, I was pleasantly shocked and pleased when many unexpected people shared their answers with me over Facebook. I really did find it touching that people were willing to trust me and be open and honest about the questions, so sincerest thank you for that!

I think I laughed more today then I have for a long time. Hyperness can get the better of people when they are enclosed in such a confined environment. In the last session today we laughed and laughed throughout the entire thing. I still don't know what any of us were laughing at, but it was great!

I'm going to be a true theatre-wanker and leave you with one of the quotes hung on the wall here:

"If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe." 

 I hope this makes you question yourself, your purpose in life and the true question: What is life?!
(In case of any confusion, that was a joke. Well, most of it anyway..."

Fin x

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