Sunday 12 February 2012

Day 4- Patterns

Today Olde Vechte turned into a life size snow globe!

Our keyword of the day was Patterns so it was nice to have the snow as a change of pattern.

Today every person had to make a decision regarding which workshop they wanted to take part in:

Option 1: In the swimming pool.
Option 2: Photography
Option 3: Theatre

Swimming sounded like new and fresh experience, photography seemed practical because it's something I don't know an awful lot about and although theatre was quite clearly the safe option, I was eager to learn exercises I had never done before, that I might be able to put into practice back home. The workshop was very beneficial and also great fun playing games outside beside the forest!

Assignment 2: It's always fascinating to watch the different performances from the assignments, whether they are good or bad. The reality is that we are given a small amount of time to create something specific for the following morning and it's all about working as a group creatively and efficiently to produce something as good as possible. Of course none of these pieces are masterpieces...yet, but each of them are ideas that perhaps could be developed into a performance at a later time. 
My favourite piece of the day was the group that did an Art Installation in the downstairs bathroom. There was great anticipation before entering with the waft of perfume seeping out from underneath the door. The reason I enjoyed it so much was because it was different to any other group and they really seemed to think outside the box by playing with projections, sound, smells and taste.

I had never heard of a Living Library but this is definitely an experience and a mode of communicating that I will bring back to Ireland. 10 brave people form the outside world, and also some leaders, agreed to be our books for a few hours, sharing with us the story of their life. After reading the blurb of every "book" we each chose 4 books that we wished to take out and read. We had 20 minutes with each book, in groups of 5 max, where we could ask them any questions about their life. For me, Albert, the prison worker, was the most intriguing of all of the books I read. I couldn't help but think that while the other books had one story, themselves, Albert seemed to contain the story of hundreds of people. This fascinated me and I was disappointed when my 20 minutes were up and I had to return him.

The rest of the day consisted of high emotions, high tensions, ideas, fun plans, lots of dancing, discussions, creating, filming, giving feedback and communicating with each other.

Another day, another wonderful experience. Bring on tomorrow!

Fin x

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