Friday 10 February 2012

Day 2- Judgement

What a day! 

First of all, if nothing else inspires me on this trip, the surroundings of the Olde Vechte building will. This morning myself Meadhbh and Joe ran around the forest beside the house and I felt like I was a child again, on a special adventure.There's a massive circle-shaped wall built out of twigs which fairies obviously build and the ice-covered lake is quite clearly enchanted.

Our training today consisted of many things, all of which I shall not share because they were top top secret. I will however admit that we admired our favourite shoes in the room, slapped people's asses, transformed chairs into anything and everything, and of course a round of spontaneous dance with a buddy that we will have for the rest of the trip. Also, it wouldn't be a workshop if there wasn't a round of the good old fashioned filling the space.  

The Talent Show was interesting. I heard people singing in Czech, I helped write a story, I watched interesting monologues, I observed someone drink a glass of water over and over again and I watched someone flip over two bodies. Two seconds into my song I instantly regretted my decision to sing. Why did I sing?!?! It's times like this you just wish you had a time machine. 

Trust: An exercise that was interesting was walking around the space and telling people whether we trust them or not. One of those moments where you need to make a decision whether honesty is the best policy. I decided that it was but I might have no friends for the rest of the trip....I had to tell someone in the room that I thought they were the most attractive person here, so I'll have one friend I suppose. 

15 minutes were spent alone, writing continuously, making note of anything you observed in your surroundings. We then discussed this in relation to the most common trait in humans which is to judge one another. This evening we were given two assignments to have done for tomorrow. One is a group piece of art based on judgement vs reality where we can mix different art forms. Initially, slight creativity clash. I suppose it's expected in an environment where everyone is from different cultures and different creative backgrounds. That's what's interesting and exciting. We worked until 2 in the morning together and I am proud to say that our piece is now ready for tomorrow. Win win win.

Other fun facts of the day is that the Romanians are very similar to the Irish and serious craic, I am the youngest on the programme, the Olde Vechte are a "non profit" organisation because they're not skilled enough to be a profit organisation and breakfast and lunch are the same thing in Holland.

And on that happy happy note, I leave you with this little gem which is on the wall in the hall:

Fin x

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