Tuesday 3 April 2012


What? A 5 day networking project between international people involved in youth theatre.

Why? To develop future collaborative projects together. 

Where? Cork

When? 29th March- 2nd April, 2012.

How? Eszter Nemethi

The idea of Firestarter* began in London 2011 with an event organised by INCA UK"Youth and Theatre- a residential meeting for diversity." When a group of young theatre practitioners and youth workers took part on this programme they decided that more collaborations should be made between them. And thus, Firestarter* was born.

I say it like I was there. I wasn't...

However, although I hadn't been involed in London, I was extremely lucky to have been adopted by Makeshift Ensemble(again) and brought along to Cork this week as a Firestarter* participant. I feel I'm beginning to make a habit of ending up places I'm not actually meant to be...but HEY, another adventure, another story, another blog!

The intention of the programme was for the different organizations and countries to develop future projects together. I can safely say this intention was fulfilled. VERY fulfilled. This is the result of three days:

  • Residency Programme in Italy based on isolation. (Thought of, developed and applied for all within 6 hours. Yes, 6 hours.)
  • A series of 4 diverse trainings over the next year and a half taking place in Bulgaria, Cork, Serbia and Holland.
  • An international acting ensemble, beginning in the Czech Republic with a 3 week residency.

All in all, not too shabby I think.

I would love to try and capture the remarkable atmosphere and work ethic I experienced during my escapades in Cork and the only word that does that is the word Manifesto. For two full days we worked for hours on end in the dark, cave-like studio in the Theatre Development Centre (TDC), discussing, debating, planning and exploring ideas.


Being surrounded by these creative, ambitious and proactive people was slightly intimidating at times but also really inspiring.

What was really promising about the weekend was that everyone was given the opportunity to present themselves and any ideas they might have about possible future projects. We even had a proposal fair. What's a proposal fair I hear you ask? The proposal fair was a process where each person set up a market stall with the details of a project they would like to pursue in the future.Everyone then had the opportunity to express interest in whichever proposals appealed to them.

The Proposal Fair

As well as the fabulous Makeshift Ensemble ,other organizations included INCA UK, Dramability BG, Olde Vechte Foundation, CUTE and Teatro Instabile Berlino.

Olde Vechte Foundation                                                                                                  
Makeshift Ensemble sponsors


We also did a series of short, diverse workshops which included puppetry, intensive interaction,media,playing with genres and massage. And let's not forget our theatre trip to see Oedipus the King. That was something unforgettable...

The greatest outcome of the weekend was that we are now officially Firestarter*, an informal international organization that will continue to work together on theatrical and social projects. 

I am happy about the friends I have made. I am excited about what is to come.I am amazed that I am actually a part of this...

Fin x        

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