Wednesday 4 January 2012

Hello and Happy 2012!

I started this Blog in 2011 because I saw a play I liked and felt overwhelmed to write about it. That was it. Today, for some reason, I felt a sudden urge to return to this blog and I have to admit, I'm pretty disappointed with my lack of activity.There are so many fantastic performances (and also shocking performances) that I could have vented about and never did. Ah well. 2012 is a new year. But before I move on, I want to look back.

Here are a few unforgettable productions from this year:

Misterman- Enda Walsh and Cillian Murphy
The Year of Magical Wanking- THISISPOPBABY 
The Blue Boy- Brokentalkers
Man of Valour- The Corn Exchange
All that Fall- Pan Pan Theatre
Crave- Players, Trinity
The New Electric Ballroom- Directors option, Samuel Beckett Theatre

Plays I so very much regret not seeing:


Plays I am very much looking forward to seeing:

I <3 Alice <3
Big Maggie
King Lear
Fishamble Tiny Plays

On that note

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