Wednesday 4 January 2012

Hello and Happy 2012!

I started this Blog in 2011 because I saw a play I liked and felt overwhelmed to write about it. That was it. Today, for some reason, I felt a sudden urge to return to this blog and I have to admit, I'm pretty disappointed with my lack of activity.There are so many fantastic performances (and also shocking performances) that I could have vented about and never did. Ah well. 2012 is a new year. But before I move on, I want to look back.

Here are a few unforgettable productions from this year:

Misterman- Enda Walsh and Cillian Murphy
The Year of Magical Wanking- THISISPOPBABY 
The Blue Boy- Brokentalkers
Man of Valour- The Corn Exchange
All that Fall- Pan Pan Theatre
Crave- Players, Trinity
The New Electric Ballroom- Directors option, Samuel Beckett Theatre

Plays I so very much regret not seeing:


Plays I am very much looking forward to seeing:

I <3 Alice <3
Big Maggie
King Lear
Fishamble Tiny Plays

On that note

Dublin Area Rapid Transit

-The moment of pause is usually a moment where Grace is considering changing seats/thinking/reflecting.

This scene is set on the Northbound Dart. It is  6.30pm in October. A 15 year old schoolgirl Grace gets on, lugging a large, heavy school bag and a sports bag. She is dressed in a uniform and is quite innocent looking. She comes from a middleclass background. Sitting down, she instantly regrets it. Opposite her is Doug, a man in his late 20s with a rough, haggard face. He wears a pair of grey tracksuit bottoms, a white jumper and a cap. He is drinking a can of Dutch Gold. He is drunk. There is no one else sitting near them. Grace looks out the window.

Doug: Did ya have a good Halloween chicken?

(Slight Pause)

Grace: Yeah.

Doug: Where do you go to school?

(Slight Pause)

Grace: Coláiste Íosagáin.

Doug: I never went to school. Only primary school.


Grace: Why?

Doug: My da died.


Doug: I’ve been drinking every day for 2 years yano?

Grace: Why?

Doug: Found me girlfriend dead in a hotel room. Blood comin’ out of her mouth.


Doug: Cocaine overdose.

Grace: Oh…

Doug: I was thumping her chest and smackin’ her across the face. Her da thought it was me that killed her. Thought I’d beaten her to death. I didn’t though. She was a junkie. Loved the stuff.


Doug: Got a girl pregnant when I was 15. She was 14. I was fucking shocked I was.
 I just stuck it in her, took it out and the next thing ya know I’m having a fucking baby. Waaaaaa!

(Grace giggles slightly)

Doug: Here, now I want your honest opinion. What do ya think of me jumper? Cause I never wore it cause it was cheap and I get all self conscious wearin’ horrible clothes.

Grace: It’s fine, yeah.

Doug: My girlfriend now, she was raped by her brother from a very young age. That’s why I went out with her really, I felt sorry for her. She done the dirt on me three times already though.

Grace: Oh.

Doug: She’s a fuckin’ scumbag. Doesn’t fuckin’ wash and wears horrible clothes. Done the dirt on me with me two mates I met in jail.

Grace: Jail?

Doug: Now, I’m not a millionaire love but I do like to take some pride in my appearance. I was an armed bank robber before. But not anymore! Does that scare you?

Grace: No.

Doug: I bought me girlfriend a nice outfit to wear to the funeral of her child but the poxy bitch didn’t even shower before she put it on. She was half an hour late to her own kid’s funeral!


Doug: What age are you?

Grace: 15.

Doug: I’m gonna give you some advice…Don’t have a long term relationship when you’re young. They’re not worth it. If you want a shag, have a shag, no strings attached. But don’t have a long term relationship.

Grace: Fine.

Doug: But don’t let anyone pressure you

Grace: Ok.

Doug: Can I ask you a personal question?


Doug: Have you had sex before?

Grace: No.

Doug: Well don’t be pressured into it.

Grace: I won’t.

Doug: You have your head screwed on.

(Grace smiles)

Doug (taking off his hat): Does my hair look ok?

Grace: It looks fine.

The dart pulls to a stop at Raheny. Grace stands up.

Grace: This is my stop so I better go.

Doug: Take care, chicken. And take my advice, don’t be pressured.

Grace leaves. Doors close. Doug takes a drink of his Dutch.